Young Adults

A Successful Launch

Counseling for Young Adults in Charlotte and Belmont

Moving from high school to college or career is one of the most difficult transitions in life.

Throw in months of Covid lockdown during adolescence, issues like anxiety and depression, negative coping mechanisms such as escapism via substance or video game use, and/or feelings of inadequacy or immobility, and you have young adults facing challenges that may stall forward movement in their lives for months or years.

You are frustrated and can’t understand why your young adult can’t do what you, their siblings or peers have done, seemingly without a hiccup.

Young adults on steps with masks during COVID lockdown

Our young adults are facing challenges unprecedented in history.

But these issues are not beyond resolution. They just require a knowledgeable approach.

That’s where I come in: I’m not here to tell your young adult how to live or who to be. I just provide the tools to help them resolve the specific issues that are holding them back, helping them move forward, ideally becoming the best version of themselves.

This includes goal-setting to map out where they are headed, teaching positive coping mechanisms and emotional regulation, as well as resource building, which fosters confidence and the skills – interpersonal and otherwise – needed so they can begin taking steps that lead them into their destiny as independent and successful adults, regardless of life path.

Please call, text, or email for a free consultation.

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