Couples Counseling

Marriage, Couples and Premarital Counseling

Couples Counseling in Charlotte and Belmont

At some point in every relationship, partners need professional, third-party help with navigating the complicated and delicate intricacies of love.

Belmont Psychotherapy Office

My Belmont Psychotherapy Office

Many couples have no idea how to have a healthy, productive, enriching and mutually-satisfying relationship because they’ve never seen examples of functional ones in their own families. Some don’t communicate well. Others haven’t explored each other’s expectations for long-term commitment, including money management, child-rearing, fidelity, and interactions with extended family and friends. Some have fallen into the cycle of criticism, defensiveness, contempt and stonewalling, which are the greatest predictors of a relationship’s demise.

Using psychological research and proven therapeutic methods, combining individual and couples psychotherapy and psycho-education, I can help motivated couples turn their relationships back to the positive, loving interactions everyone so desperately wants.

Interested in couples counseling? Contact me »